Road Safety Audit highlights unsuitability of Range Road for B-Doubles
JAMARR commissioned an independent Road Safety Study (RSA) to assess public safety conditions on a portion of the cane hauling route approved for use by Mackay Sugar’s fleet of contracted B-Doubles (via QUBE Logistics).
The RSA is a formal document that is intended to audit the safety characteristics of a given stretch of road. Our RSA covers from Mt Molloy (Bakers Rd) to the foot of the range at Cassowary.
The RSA was undertaken in June-July 2014 by a Registered Senior Road Safety Auditor (Level 2), assisted by interviews with Queensland Police Service officers Greg Matthews (Mt Molloy), OIC Sgt Matt Smith (Mossman), and OIC Sgt Damien Meadows (Port Douglas).
The RSA found 2 critical safety deficiencies (the road is too narrow, and road markings are obscured by rubbish from the trucks), 11 high priority deficiencies, and 2 important deficiencies. Essentially, the RSA shows that the road does not meet the safety standards required for the volume of heavy vehicle traffic that the State has approved.
You can read the entire report, and the accompanying media statement by following the download links following: