Welcome to 2016 Committee
A lively crowd of locals turned up for the 21st JAMARR AGM on Thurs night in Molloy. Despite a few flu-based apologies and conflicted schedules we enjoyed surpassing our quorum and carrying on with business as expected.
The serving officers stood down and were thanked for their service. Of special note our beloved and long-serving Treasurer, Theresa Brown, has decided to step off the Committee this year and will focus her formidable energies and skills on other activities in the community as well as continuing to be a force for good in the JAMARR membership.
Nominations were called and we weclome the following members to serve on the 2016 Executive Committee:
- President: Ken Brown
- Vice President: Rupert Russell
- Secretary: John Brisbin
- Treasurer: Jim McAlister
We’re particularly chuffed to have Jim taking over from Theresa in the Treasurer’s role. Thanks Jim!
With the AGM settled, we opened a Regular Meeting and conducted business as usual til closing at 2100 and commencement of tsaty nibbles, bad jokes, fabulous visions, and questionable facts.
Til next year!