Food and Heritage Trail Project gets funding

We’re pleased to say that the FRRR (Foundation for Rural and Regional Renewal) has approved a JAMARR funding application to help improve the amenity of the walk between the Rifle Creek Campground and the village.
The idea is to improve the walking track and plant out layers of food and forage plants along the way. Our region has layers and layers of cultures on it, starting with the Muluridji people who have been living here for thousands of years.
Then came the explorers, miners, pastoralists, and settlers…each bringing along their favourite plants as part of their own cultural heritage.
The new trail project, called Grow Your Roots, will be a celebration of all those cultures as well as being a pleasant and informative way to get some exercise!
OpalBar propietors Melissa and Ben Bloore have welcomed the project as they often hear visitors comment on how nice it is to have a well-formed walk to link up the area’s attractions.
The project will deliver a master plan for the walk, with subsequent work subject to additional funding and volunteer efforts.
Food Forest specialist Dr Wendy Seabrook will lead the public planning process on late April(2017) and the final Plan should be launched by the community in July.