World Labyrinth Day 2018

A harmonious gathering of nearly 40 people enlivened the Labyrinth Oval at Mount Molloy on 5 May 2018.
Although the turf and the inter-row growth was looking a bit splotchy, the locals and visitors were pleased to circulate and chat on a beautiful early Dry afternoon. Celebrating community, contemplation, kids, and a couple of coldies:
We were especially lucky to share the event with some of Mount Molloy’s early pioneer families, the Clacherty’s. They settled in Julatten in the late 1920’s, clearing land and joining in the development of a dairy community that formed on the rich flats of the Rifle Creek catchment. Thanks to Carol Iles for bringing them out to join in the sociable occasion.
Betty Lawford, of the English family, was happy to trade memories and smiles with the Clacherty boys:
And here’s a bit of aerial mustering, demonstrating the challenges of rounding up a mob of labyrinth lovers:
The mown path is well maintained by Community Services workers while the vigour of the sward is sometimes checked by volunteers with whipper snippers. During the wet large sections of the oval and the labyrinth are under water, but it is usually dry between May and the December rains.