Men’s Shed lend a hand with Honour Roll

Work to improve the amenity at the historical Mount Molloy Cemetery continued this past week as the sturdy fellas from the Julatten Men’s Shed re-erected the mounting board for the Honour Roll.
Lead Shedder Noel Prowse reckons it looks pretty good. “We are happy to contribute some skill and effort here. The Cemetery is a community space that we can all be proud of.”
The new Honour Roll features a poster printed by FNQ SignWorks, who are often found supporting community works such as this.
Cr Lenore Wyatt has been active behind the scenes, helping to arrange for donations from Mareeba Shire Council stores of materials for various maintenance items like fixing up the boundary fence and gates. Local JAMARR member Doug Stevens brought his skills to the tack and has been making good progress with the fence repairs.
Support was also received from Mara Rooks, the Council Officer who has (amongst many other duties) responsibility for managing the interment records for all of the Shire’s cemeteries.
The community is invited to review and correct listings on the Honor Roll now through til ANZAC Day (2019). After this, a new Honour Roll will be printed with all the corrections in place.